A Wizard's Secret

Chapter 691 - Shaking the Spell Caster World!

Chapter 691: Shaking the Spell Caster World!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Collapse overnight like the Molta Empire three thousand years ago? How’s that possible?”

“That’s right, our northern Spell Caster world as well as Ozmu have over forty Great Wizards. What force could make us collapse?”

These Great Wizards did not understand where the threat came from. They did not even understand the current grim situation.

“Yes, forty over Great Wizards is a very powerful force. However, you should’ve heard of the Holy Light Empire and the Church of Light right? In the Holy Light Empire, Spell Casters are absolutely heretical. That’s the threat! The source of all threats is the Church of Light!”

All the Great Wizards were slightly stunned at Merlin’s words. They immediately recalled that the Church of Light was indeed extremely powerful. One or two large spell casters’ organizations alone would not be able to go against the Church of Light at all.

Meanwhile, the Church of Light had at least a dozen Great Wizards who were even a legacy of the gods from legends. Naturally, these Spell Casters did not believe in gods. They were Spell Casters who possessed great power by understanding the mysteries of Elements.

For many years, the Church of Light and Spell Casters had been at peace. Occasionally, several wars to suppress heresy would be stopped by the Kingdom of Blackmoon. To these spell casters’ organizations, it was like a matter from another world.

Could the Church of Light threaten the entire Spell Caster world? These Great Wizards expressed their doubts and found it hard to believe.

Merlin sighed lightly. If he had not come from the Void Zone and was unaware that the one behind the Church of Light was the terrifying Lord God of Light, an ultimate existence, he would not believe that the Church of Light was a threat to the Spell Caster world either.

“Alright, there’s no need to argue. The Holy Light Empire and the Kingdom of Blackmoon are currently engaged in a war, and the victor will emerge soon. At that time, we’ll know very quickly whether or not the Church of Light is a threat.”

Merlin raised his head and looked into the distance. He knew that the Kingdom of Blackmoon was fighting a decisive battle against the Holy Light Empire. The outcome of this battle would completely change the situation. Now, he could only gather up strength in the shortest time possible to prepare for the battles in the future.


“Hold on. It must hold on...”

The eighth prince looked nervously at the purple-gold crown in the sky. He already saw how extraordinary the Ascetic was when he broke space at will. That was comparable to the Great Legends recorded in ancient literature!

This Ascetic was far more terrifying than the thirteen Archbishops and Inquisitors before him!


The power of the Ascetic Bonnet viciously hit the purple-gold crown. For the first time, the crown trembled violently and quickly began to sway.


The heart-throbbing sound rang out. Like beautiful colored glass, cracks webbed across the purple gold crown, revealing a shocking sight. Purple and gold light also rapidly dissipated.

“It broke...”

“The purple gold crown couldn’t block it!”

“How could that be? That’s the most powerful treasure in the royal family that had resisted countless attacks...”

The soldiers who were just cheering for the purple-gold crown were dumbfounded, their eyes revealing a trace of disbelief. Everyone felt a freezing cold around their body. If the purple-gold crown could not withstand it, they did not know how else they were going to stop the footsteps of the Holy Light Empire.


Finally, the purple-gold crown could no longer block the powerful force. It exploded in the air, and countless fragments scattered all over the ground.

The eighth prince’s breath stopped as he paled considerably. At this moment, even he felt despair.

“Your Highness, we should leave and return to the Imperial City. We’ve already lost. We’ve been completely defeated. We have no way of stopping the Holy Light Empire. Should we let the Spell Caster world know who the true threat is?”

Marshal Cassely saw the ordinary soldiers of the Holy Light Empire cheer opposite the river. He knew that they were fighting a losing battle. They could no longer stop the advance of the Holy Light Empire.

“Yes, we’ve lost. The Kingdom of Blackmoon was defeated, and even the purple gold crown was lost. The position of the royal family will not be as stable anymore... However, there’s still hope!”

The eighth prince gritted his teeth. He strongly advocated for coming to the front line and even brought the purple-gold crown to stop the Holy Light Empire with the power of the royal family.

However, he realized just how little he knew about the Holy Light Empire. While no one noticed, the Holy Light Empire had accumulated unimaginable power.

This power was enough to wipe up the entire Kingdom of Blackmoon. It was impossible to hold back the Holy Light Empire just by relying on the strength of the royal family.

“Go, retreat to the Imperial City!”

The eighth prince had decided. If they did not leave now, they might not be able to leave anymore. As for the front line troops, they would be able to stall for some time...


Half a month later, in the Spell Caster Alliance headquarters in the northern Spell Caster world, forty-five Great Wizards gathered in the large hall of a castle. Merlin convened all the Great Wizards in the Spell Caster world in the name of the Spell Caster Alliance.

At this time, a piece of shocking news arrived that the Holy Light Empire defeated the Kingdom of Blackmoon at the Polosi River, and even the royal family’s purple gold crown was destroyed.

Subsequently, the Holy Light Empire began to step into the Kingdom of Blackmoon’s land and arrested Spell Casters wantonly. As long as anyone was related to Spell Casters, they would be sent to the Church of Light under the charge of “heresy”. If the soul could not be “purified”, then they would be brutally killed by the Inquisition.

This matter had caused a huge shock in the Spell Caster world. It swept through just like a storm, leaving all the Spell Casters dumbfounded and in disbelief.

“It’s unimaginable that the Holy Light Empire could actually destroy the Kingdom of Blackmoon’s purple gold crown!”

“We were too careless. Wizard Merlin was right, our greatest enemy is the Church of Light. The Kingdom of Blackmoon itself is comparable to a large spell casters’ organization. The Blackmoon royal family, who has the purple gold crown, far exceeds some large spell casters’ organizations and is comparable to two or even three large spell casters’ organizations. However, even the powerful Blackmoon royal family was defeated!”

“Although the Kingdom of Blackmoon is controlled by the royal family, it’s still a free country for Spell Casters. Now, our freedom has been trampled on by the Church of Light. We’re also in jeopardy! We can’t let the Church of Light continue to advance forward anymore.”

Hearing the news of the Kingdom of Blackmoon’s defeat, these Great Wizards seemed to suddenly wake up. At this time, they finally sensed the threat and believed Melin’s analysis of the Church of Light.

The Church of Light was the common threat of all Spell Casters.

“Wizard Merlin, the Holy Light Empire is approaching us and threatening the peace of our Spell Caster world. We can’t sit idly by any longer. We must act quick and repel the Church of Light!”

Some Great Wizards suggested to Merlin. Since they belonged to the Spell Caster Alliance now, and Merlin was the Spell Caster Alliance’s First Elder, only Merlin could decide whether to act or not.

“Don’t be hasty! The Church of Light could break the purple-gold crown. Could any of you do the same?”

Merlin had also collected some information regarding the Blackmoon royal family and naturally knew how powerful the purple-gold crown was. It was claimed to be a treasure that Great Wizards could not break.


All the Great Wizards hesitated. Unlike the Holy Light Empire, large spell casters’ organizations like them understood the Blackmoon royal family well, and knew how powerful the purple-gold crown was. No one could confidently say that they could destroy the purple-gold crown. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the Blackmoon royal family to rule the Kingdom of Blackmoon.

“I’ve received news that a Divine Believer appeared in the Church of Light! I believe that with everyone’s knowledge, you’ve heard about Divine Believers right? They’re a legendary existence in the Church of Light and can carry out the power of God... Whether or not they’re truly Divine Believers, one thing’s for certain – Divine Believer can easily shatter space and has destroyed the purple-gold crown in one swoop!”

Merlin’s words once again shocked these Great Wizards as they fell silent. They had gained some experience from Legendary Wizards Merlin brought from the Void Zone.

To be able to break space was to have the power of a Great Legend. In the Church of Light, it was very possible that there was an existence comparable to a Great Legend.

Then, their gazes all turned to Merlin. They had also suspected that Merlin had power equivalent to a Great Legend. Perhaps now, only Merlin could compete with the Church of Light.

“Wizard Merlin, we’re at your disposal!”

Many Great Wizards nodded in succession. With the threat brought by the Church of Light, they would naturally unite and join forces to deal with the Church of Light.

“Very good. Everyone, get ready. We’ll go to the Imperial City first, and join with the Blackmoon royal family. We need to gather all our forces to defeat the Church of Light and resolve this crisis!”

Merlin held back some words. Not only did he want to defeat the Church of Light but he also wanted to uproot the Church of Light, and completely destroy the Holy Light Empire.

In order to do this, he would have to unite with the strength of the Kingdom of Blackmoon. Although the royal family’s strength was greatly damaged, they still firmly controlled the Kingdom of Blackmoon. It was the best choice to go to the Imperial City to ally with the royal family.

As a result, a series of orders were issued from the Spell Caster Alliance Headquarters. Spell Casters from various lands all headed toward the Imperial City.


“Have Ozmu and the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world been notified? We’re at a critical moment now. Aren’t they planning to act?”

In the resplendent and magnificent palace, the eighth prince’s expression was sallow, and his tone was full of anger. As soon as he returned to the Imperial City, he sent the most capable Spell Casters to contact Ozmu in the south, and the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world, hoping that they would join forces and contend against the Holy Light Empire.

However, so far, there seemed to be no news.

“Your Highness, our men have already sent back news but there have been new developments in the Spell Caster world.”

Standing in front of the eighth prince was a ninth-level Spell Caster. He was also the supreme commander of the army, Marshal Cassely.

“New developments? Did Ozmu defeat the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world or did the Northern Spell Caster world defeat Ozmu?”

The eighth prince frowned. Naturally, he knew that the Spell Caster world was in chaos. Ozmu was fighting with the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world and did not care about anything else.

Marshal Cassely shook his head. “Your Highness, you aren’t aware but Ozmu and the Northern Seven Major Spell Caster organizations have ceased to exist, and have been replaced by a new powerful force called the Spell Caster Alliance! Even Subzero Snowfield is under the control of the Spell Caster Alliance. This Spell Caster Alliance is the most powerful force since the collapse of the Molta Empire. It can be said to have integrated the entire Spell Caster world!”

“Spell Caster Alliance? When did this new power suddenly rise? How did it manage to integrate Ozmu and the northern Spell Caster world in such a short amount of time? Did Kleis agree to it?”

The eighth prince was puzzled. He knew that Kleis, the First Elder of Ozmu, was an extremely powerful Wizard. This time, in order to go against the Holy Light Empire, he had to rely on Kleis.

“Your Highness, Kleis has already died. He was defeated and killed by the founder of the Spell Caster Alliance!”

“Kleis is dead?”

The eighth prince seemed to think that more had happened in these recent months than the previous decades.

“What exactly is this Spell Caster Alliance? Who’s the founder? He definitely isn’t ordinary to be able to kill Kleis!”

Marshal Cassely took a deep breath. He stared at the eighth prince and enunciated lowly, “That man is known as Wizard Merlin. Wizard Wilson Merlin!”


The eighth prince stood up with trembling hands, his expression revealing a look of shock...

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