The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness

Chapter 22: The Merciful Grim Reaper

Just as how it is possible to miss sounds that are so faint that one would have to cock an ear to listen, it is possible for me to fail to sense trace amounts, if I am preoccupied with something else.

I let my guard down. Senri had collapsed, how was I supposed to predict she would return when not even half a day has passed?

Even if they were to return to sort things out, I had thought I would have at least a night of respite.

A pair of bewitching purple eyes was looking at me.

Her expression was blank but terrifying enough to stop my heart, if I had one.

“You are—”

The gears started turning in my head right away.

The first thing I ascertained was whether Senri had been accompanied by her comrades. The four Death Knights were… nowhere to be found. That was good news.

Next, I checked the difference in our strengths. Senri is exhausted from the battle with the Lord. However, the positive energy in her had already been a little replenished and more than what I sensed from her before she had left my line of sight. Although she was still too far from completely recovering all of her energy, she is a true—monster.

She looked a little filthy but otherwise fairly unhurt. Considering the perseverance she showed during the battle against the Lord, she would probably stay on her feet in the midst of battle even if she were on the verge of death.

Even in the stories I used to read, necromancers were fated to meet their demise in a similar manner.

Finally, I wondered how she perceived me.

I have already been seen together with Roux in town. I am almost certain that Roux was killed by one of the Death Knights. So, it would be extremely reasonable for her to think that I am an enemy. Senri stared at me fixedly. However, I noticed she diverted her attention to the sun in the sky for a split second.

Only undead of the lowest level are capable of being out in the open during the day. She seemed puzzled as to whether she should take me for an undead, for even though I did not seem affected by the sunlight, I was not instinctively attacking her either.

Since the amulet conceals my negative energy, I should not look like an undead at a glance. Probably.

I clenched my right hand into a fist when I felt a jolt of pain shoot from the badly scorched palm.

Blessed arrows are effective against a ghoul as well, as it is the universal weakness of all undead. The effect is mild, as in non-fatal when not on the list of weaknesses that a particular class of undead possesses. However, it hinders the process of regeneration. Hence the wound stays unhealed and as it is happening now; white smoke arises from the festering wound.

It is of no use to hide it at this point. There is no way Senri has not noticed it.

Well, even if not for that, even if I were human, I would need to be put down considering I have been associated with the Lord. The Death Knights are all ‘Kill first, ask questions later’ kind of people. To the extent that even in the stories that were aimed at children, there were scenes where the Death Knights would mercilessly kill any of the townsfolk who were manipulated by necromancers.

I have no idea why Senri decided to return alone.

Nevertheless, I will be killed if I try to escape. And the same goes if I try to attack. Making a Death Knight draw their sword would not end well for me.

In that case, I can do nothing but choose the path of persuasion.

I would not let me escape if I were her, but she is not me.

When I met her in town, I realized that she possessed something that the other third-class Death Knights did not. That was… compassion.

Maybe she operated under the assumption that I and Roux were both human, nevertheless, she tried to help us.

I shall be honest with her. If any of the other third-class Death Knights had returned instead of Senri, I dare say I would be dead by now.

Be it a third or second-class knight, they are all Grim Reapers, neither of whom I am not capable of defeating. If anything, it may be my good fortune that it was Senri who I came across.

She is… different. Compared to the stern Death Knights that appear in stories, she is humane. And that can be taken advantage of.

I did my best to maintain my composure, put on my best possible grieving face and looked at Roux’s grave.

“When she was alive, Roux… requested me to build her a grave. I was praying for her to rest in peace.”

“… I see.”

Her words were curt but I could see sorrow flash across her eyes for an instant.

I suppose she is mirroring me by not using formal speech. Although I cannot let down my guard yet, it does not seem like she intends to put an end to me right away.

I shall be friendly with her. Show her my human side. I have yet to display any qualities of an undead in front of her.

“Err… Was your name… Senri? What brings you here?”

Senri silently looked at the grave for a while before replying curtly. Her silver hair was swaying in the soft breeze.

“… I came to collect her body. Thought I’d make her a grave in town.”

I was completely taken aback by her words.

I regret it from the bottom of my heart. Had I not buried Roux, I would have made it out of here before Senri had arrived.

And Roux would certainly be happier to be sleeping in a neater grave than in a woods of this sort.

I had to do it since I had given her my word, but I did not consider the Death Knights to be such an admirable lot.

I held my silence so as to not show my annoyance, when Senri closed the distance between us and stood beside me as she looked down at the grave.

A pale, soft nape. Her body emitted a scent so sweet that it stirred my appetite intensely.

If I were to extend my arm, it would take but a second to sink my claws into her. However, I cannot choose that path. I cannot give her an excuse to attack me (although me being an undead already gives her plenty of excuse).

“Was she, your friend?”

Friend? The word might invoke anger in Roux.

We were not friends. We simply cooperated with each other towards the end. If anything, I would say we were enemies from the beginning till the very end.

I exercised control over my emotions and tried to sound as sorrowful as Senri did.

“No… she was family.”


Appeal to her heart. Arouse sympathy in the merciful Grim Reaper Senri.

This should work. I have not been killed yet. I can do it. I can stoop as low as possible. Luckily, I do not need to gloss over anything. I was a pitiful person my whole life if I may say so myself.

“Roux was finally able to rest in peace. She had no future if she continued to be Horus’ slave. Her unconscious wish was to die. You saved her.”

“That is… not true…”

Replied Senri in a subdued tone, not even the tiniest bit surprised by my flattery.

She wore a blank expression so it was hard to get a read on her, but there is no doubt that she is compassionate.

I… went out on a limb.

Time is not on my side. If Senri does not return for too long, the other Death Knights may come searching for her.

I point at my own eyes and sigh deeply.

“It’s really inconvenient, being an undead at times like these. Because I feel so sad but I can’t cry.”

“?! So, I was right…!”

Her face showed conviction and she quickly put some distance between us. It was the appropriate distance to strike. She was still yet to draw her sword, but I am on the precipice of death. I will not get flustered. I will be cautious.

To show that I felt no hostility towards her, I tried my best and smiled, raised both my arms, up high.

“Ahh. I am… a ghoul. However, as fate would have it, I retained the memories from when I was human.”


That caused a change in Senri’s face that had been mostly expressionless until now. Her eyes opened wide and she looked at me with hostility in her eyes.

Horus Carmon believed till the very end that I had no memories from my past life. And judging from her expression, I seem to be a very rare case.

I had won. It was an arrow that killed Roux. However, Senri’s choice of a weapon is a sword.

She cannot kill pitiful human beings. Even though my body may be that of a monster’s, she cannot kill someone, who possesses human qualities such as intelligence and reason.

Even if no one would reproach her for not being so, she was simply too sympathetic towards her fellow human.

It is the kind of naivety that could be suicidal for a Death Knight. She may be exceptionally good at combat but she was simply too humane.

I shall not embellish my story. I shall narrate it as it was.

I ostentatiously took in an unnecessary deep breath and began to recount the story of the unfortunate End.

☠ ☠ ☠

Senri quietly listened to my story with her face betraying no emotions. However, I could see waves of unrest in her amethyst eyes from beginning to end.

I felt no resentment. All I felt was pain and despair in my past life. No amount of effort could have made my condition better, all I left behind at the end of my short-lived life was my attachment towards life.

It was nothing short of a miracle that I was able to open my eyes once again, and also that I retained the memories of my past life.

I do not know the reason. It was not by my design to reawaken as an undead.

I was glad nonetheless. I was happy that I could stand on my own two feet once more and run around the woods.

I wonder what really is the difference between an undead that will not and has no need to attack humans and a normal human?

I ask my own heart. I weave the story as I recall an anecdote from a comedy about a merry crook I once read about.

“I see. The letter…”

“Roux helped me out. Horus Carmon was preparing to carry out some sort of dreadful ritual. Had he been alive, he may have ordered me to attack humans. I wanted to avoid that no matter what. I was fortunate that you, the Death Knights arrived at the town nearby. Thanks to you, I can still live as a human.”

I chose my words carefully and stacked one pardonable excuse on top of another.

Senri cast her eyes to the ground. I did not utter a single lie.

I have never attacked humans. Because I have hardly been allowed to leave the woods.

I do not wish to attack humans. Because I do not want to make enemies out of the Death Knights.

However, should my survival depend upon it, I am sure I would become a monster that would not hesitate to attack humans.

I am rational. I am a monster with human sense and intelligence.

Looking at it objectively, that would make me one terrifying monster. If I were them, I would never let myself live.

It is pretty ironic in a sense that I am more suited to be a Death Knight rather than Senri, who has abundant talent.

“Luckily, there are no humans in these woods. I intend to keep watch over Roux’s grave and quietly live here. I can hunt the beasts for food. That’s how I’ve lived so far.”

“… I see.”

“Can’t I continue to do so?”

Before I realized it, the sun had begun to set, bathing Roux’s simple grave in pretty vermillion sunlight.

I awaited her response. The wound from touching the holy arrow had already disappeared.

The night is mine, it is the hour of the undead. Ghoul is a low-level undead and hence its strength is not that enhanced at night, but it still becomes much stronger than during the day.

Senri was in a state of dilemma. Every passing second felt like a minute or even ten minutes

I had a smile on my face as I patiently awaited her response. Or should I say, I had no other choice but to do so.

Should I take off right now, Senri will chase after me. And I do not believe the legs of a low-level undead like mine can outrun someone who easily blew away a dragon and killed the Lord a little shy of a hundred and twenty times. That fact would remain the same even in the nighttime.

Senri may not realizeit herself, but this was no different from being cornered with a sword to the throat.

Finally, Senri raised her head. I could see she had reached a decision from the look in her eyes.

Her eyes were clear and she did not sound particularly emotional, but compassionate nonetheless.

“… Fine. Although I’ve never met an undead that had retained the memories from the past life, I can see that you are rational. So, it shouldn’t, be a problem… I think.”

Her last words were not very certain. However, I could see that she was resolute. She probably intends to persuade her comrades.

She is simply too righteous, too kind.

I heaved a sigh of relief and looked down at the grave.

“Thank goodness. Roux would probably be happy to hear that too.”

“… Tomorrow. I’ll come by again. Tell me if you need anything. I’ll get it for you.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t dare. But, I guess it would be nice if you could bring some flowers to offer Roux. Barely any flowers bloom in these woods you see.”

“… Got it. I’ll make sure to bring them.”

Senri nodded vigorously.

What a dazzling human! She has the purest soul I have ever seen in both my lives.

She, believes in people. No one who has led a normal life could be that way.

She is a little different from the image of Death Knights I admired, nevertheless shewould appear noble even from an objective point of view.

That is why, to deceive someone so pure… hurts my heart.

The sky turned dimmer. Senri closed her eyes and paid her respects to Roux, after which she walked off towards the exit of the woods.

I doubt we will ever cross paths again. Since, I plan to take off once Senri leaves these woods.

Senri’s silver hair was swaying in the wind. I called out to her one last time.

I needed to ask her something. Considering her expertise in exterminating undead, she might know the answer to my question.

“Senri! Come to think of it, I heard Horus Carmon say something about creating ‘The King of the Undead’. Well, it might not matter anymore, but do you know what that means?”

Senri stopped in her tracks, without turning around, she spoke in an indifferent tone.

“’The King of the Undead’… is born when a first-class necromancer transforms oneself into a special kind of undead using forbidden methods. Horus Carmon was human. And I put an end to his life. It doesn’t matter… anymore.”

☠ ☠ ☠

I put my plan to action once I cannot feel Senri’s presence anymore.

I need to hurry.

Senri chose to let me live. She accepted it when I proposed to stay put in these woods forever.

I am certain she was speaking the truth. I have only known her for a very short time, but it is clear that she is not a liar.

Nevertheless, I am afraid she would not be able to persuade the other Death Knights of the same.

Well, that is no surprise. I may possess the memories of my past life, but that does not make me any less a monster. There is no way the Death Knights, who consider the subjugation of beings of darkness as a decree from God, would ever let me be.

I, who once yearned to become a Death Knight, know all about them. The other knights are not merciless. It is just Senri, who is ‘different’.

Is there a chance Senri would not tell her comrades about me? That is impossible. She is not a fool but simply too believing.

Even if she were to hold her tongue, what would the knights make of it, when she returns without the body she set off to collect?

When enquired by her comrades, I imagine she would tell them. And, for my sake, she would appeal to their hearts. Same as I did with her.

I have no doubt, they will come to kill me. All of them will come to kill me. They will come for the hideous monster that took their princess for a ride for the sake of extending its own life.

I do not believe humans will ever accept or approve of my existence. I am already a monster that lives in the shadows.

A monster that feeds on raw meat, and if I manage to survive long, I suppose blood as well.

My desire has not changed. I desire to live… that is all. I have more freedom than I did in my past life. Any further ambitions, I shall discover down the road.

I left behind Roux’s grave and headed towards the ruins of the mansion.

My objective was to retrieve the machete that I could not bring with me when I fled earlier.

There is some time left until Senri reaches town. Although I have my claws, a weapon would still be necessary. regardless of whether I will actually use it, it is a sort of a memento of the Lord. A special item.

Come to think of it, according to Senri, ‘The King of the Undead’ is a necromancer who transforms into an undead. Perhaps the Lord had prepared the sunshade cloak and the shadow amulet for himself.

I rooted around the rubble where the Lord’s laboratory once stood, and found the machete after much difficulty. I also found a bag and some clothes while I was at it.

By the time I was done, a veil of darkness had already shrouded the forest. The silver arrow was the only thing illuminating the world.

I can see in the dark. My vision is clear. The night is my hour.

Since I do not have a map, I have no particular destination in mind, but I should escape as far as possible.

I know I am betraying Senri. However, I have no choice.

I… am not a believer like her.

I slashed through the woods and quickly made it past the fence around the mansion.

And when I was proceeding down the path directly opposite to that which Senri had taken,

… suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.

“End! Finally, the time has come. The vessel of the King of the Undead!”

A gloomy voice that sounded almost as if it reverberated from the very depths of hell. I felt a chill run down my spine.

I promptly took out the machete and checked the surrounding area.

It was floating in midair. I bit my tongue to stop the welling fear.

With the silver moon illuminating him from behind, there he was in midair, looking down at me with his same old face.

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