The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage

Chapter 114: Insurgence (1)

Jason\'s eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, his over a year and a half of training in the virtual space took over.

What guilt? What first kill?

His intuition rang loud alarm bells throughout his mind.

He needed to move or she would stab him a second time.

Jason whipped around with preternatural agility and kneed the woman hard in the stomach.

A loud bang reverberated in the bar as her body slammed into a wooden chair, knocking over a table and six chairs in the process.

The short-haired woman paled in fright, speaking between gasps as her ribs broke from the impact.

"You\'re…huff… not a new….huff… challenger either. huff… What organization…huff… are you from?"

Jason\'s eyes widened in realization.

His four new \'friends\' were not new challengers at all.

They had passed the [Tutorial] before. He suddenly felt unbelievably stupid for not picking up the clues.

All four were so self-assured, completely unlike the panicking new challengers he\'d witnessed in the town square.

Jason checked his back, where the woman had attempted to stab him with the dagger.

Thankfully, his suit was more powerful than expected.

Even a direct stab while Jason was completely unguarded only penetrated a quarter inch into his skin.

His health had only dropped a grand total of 7 points, and Jason imagined that was more due to the bleeding than to the wound itself.

His cheeks colored as shame crept up on him.

Honestly, Jason would love to leave right now.

He wanted to return to his room in the military tent and curl up under the coarse sheets, never to show his face again.

They must have thought he was such a moron for getting duped. And how dumb was he for thinking he might be able to make new friends back in Area 1...

Then, the puzzle pieces clicked in his brain once more.

All those \'coincidental encounters\' in the forest were not coincidences at all.

They targeted him as soon as they learned he had a [Lesser Heal] tome in his possession.

After all, no matter how basic, an actual spell book could be sold for quite a sum back in Area 1.

Enough that if they traveled to a remote planet where things were cheap, they wouldn\'t have to clear another floor in their entire lives.

He looked up at the four \'friends\' across from him, rubbing his arm across his eyes, even though they were definitely *not* wet.

He\'d interacted with many different types of people throughout his school-age years.

So how come it was only now that he was finding out what human nature really was?

\'Sure enough, it\'s best to only trust Otto.\'

Jason took a look at the title of this book and sighed.

His turbulent thoughts calmed.

He stared at the ceiling.

Two questions ran through his head.

Was this exactly what they had intended all along?

Was the book really worth that much to them?

And as if he\'d heard the question, the dark-haired man hesitantly opened his mouth.

"I apologize, Jason."

He avoided Jason\'s eyes and bowed his head.

His tone was sincere,

"Actually, I\'d have liked to be friends, but... I, no, WE aren\'t good enough people to resist that sort of temptation."

He took a deep breath and steeled himself.

"So I\'m sorry, but please hand the book over."

When Jason looked him in the eye, he noticed something colder there, darker.

"Or else we\'ll take it by force."

Jason didn\'t respond.

All four shifted uncomfortably.

Maybe they weren\'t bad people by nature.

But Jason was similar to Otto in one thing, at least.

Once he was crossed, that was it.

No going back.

So, pardon his language, but Jason didn\'t give a shit about their situation.

Actually, he probably needed to get out of here before others arrived.

It wouldn\'t be long before Peter\'s grandfather came to \'avenge\' him.

Aka, to steal the same book these four leeches coveted…

Jason\'s eyes narrowed threateningly. His voice was low and calm,

"Well, I won\'t apologize for my retaliation."

A [Mana Bolt] shot out from his chest, slamming into the short-haired woman who\'d tried to kill him while he was busy vomiting.

[Mana Bolt]

Level 1

Shoot a mana bolt at an enemy for 50% magic damage.

Mana Cost: 1

Cast Time: 0.84 seconds

No Cooldown

There was no suspense.

The girl\'s health had been knocked down to just below a quarter by a single knee from Jason.

Her speed wasn\'t fast enough to avoid the spell.

She was killed instantly.

Jason looked at her body and suppressed his urge to retch for a second time.

Another [Mana Bolt] emerged from his right hand.

He cracked his knuckles.

Twisted his neck.

Loosened his body.

Watched the fearful gazes of the three remaining leeches land squarely on him.

Were they regretting it now?


Too late.

He would have to finish this quickly.

"Leave a life behind."

\'Assholes,\' was left unspoken.


Otto woke up among the typical luxurious furnishings of his mansion.

He walked down the stairs with a small yawn before yelling loudly,

"Good morning. Wake up, you brutes. We have to leave a little earlier today."

He\'d specifically instructed his bodyguards to exit two hours before the standard \'check out\' time, even though the mansion wouldn\'t disappear for a while.

His eyes glittered.

He hoped that the surprise he expected to receive was worth the effort.

It was the morning of the fourth day in the desert, and conditions had gotten progressively worse over time.

To the point that many Throskarts had trouble moving, the heat and the lack of water taking their toll.

Even with the water that Otto doled out from his mansion each night, many wouldn\'t last for more than a day in this heat.

Otto thought about his goal.

To kill the other 99 members of the group.

This method of slowly wearing them down with the heat proved to be rather effective, but only for those who didn\'t have access to the houses or the mansion.

Even those in tents looked much better off than the folks who paid exorbitant prices for water and slept on the sand.

Otto\'s bodyguards immediately surrounded Otto as he exited the mansion.

He\'d timed it specifically for the moment when every other member of \'his posse\' also exited their abodes.

To Otto\'s great surprise, though, there wasn\'t an ambush immediately set up when he walked outside.

He narrowed his eyes and spread his mana through the surroundings.

At least a few of the Throskarts would be mages, right?

He smirked when he realized where they were hidden.

Well, actually, where else could they be?

It wasn\'t like a mansion smack in the middle of a bunch of sand provided much cover.


Otto resolutely pretended not to notice them.

He walked directly towards the ambush site.

The Insurgent waved at him.

Only Otto knew.

The wave was a signal.

Suddenly, there was a flash of bright light.

It was so bright, in fact, that it briefly eclipsed the still-glaring sun.

Directly following, clouds formed over the horizon, seeming to appear out of nowhere.

Rain was falling on the desert!

Otto did his best to conceal the distinct wave of mana he was emitting as he used the other split of his brain to walk nonchalantly towards the ambush point.

The whole rain scene was entirely an illusion.

It was a creative use of Otto\'s spell,

[Illusory Body: Unlimited]

Level 13

Conjures an illusory body of light. Can be touched briefly. Can be finely controlled by the caster.

Mana Cost: 58

Duration: 1 minute

Cast Time: Instant

No Cooldown

Using this spell in such an unintended way cost Otto a grand total of 18,000 mana.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he rapidly expended his mental energy to control the fall of \'rain.\'

Essentially, Otto was creating \'bodies\' that looked like clouds to cover the sun, as well as a few hundred large rain droplets to simulate \'rain\' in the desert.

Otto could honestly say that it was one of the hardest spells he\'d ever attempted to cast.

However, this was a necessary illusion.

How else would the Throskarts feel confident enough to attack when he and the others approached?

Fortunately, such a big spectacle was exactly like something the game masters would do.

It also clued Otto in on the need to procure more legitimate illusion spells that didn\'t require such vast mana and mental power expenditure to pull off a single trick.

At the same time, the remaining members of Otto\'s posse left their houses and approached Otto at the ambush site.

Those unaware cheered at the sight of the rain, thinking it was a reprieve granted by the game masters for the group.

But amidst the now clearing clouds, as the 31 members of Otto\'s group gathered around him, suddenly, 36 figures popped out of the sand!

Their bodies were gaunt, their gazes fierce, filled with a deep hatred.

Every Throskart held a bow nocked with an arrow, a wand or staff for casting magic, or a large melee weapon.

Together, they made for a scary sight.

But the Throskarts surrounding Otto hastily covered up their fear by shouting out,

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Direct combat is prohibited in the game!"

"Do all of you want to die like that man?"

This time, it was the Insurgent who stepped out.

She licked a dagger calmly and revealed a sinister smile.

"Not anymore, it\'s not."

"Did you see that rain? We now have a limited period of time where our attacks won\'t get us killed."

The rest pulled their bows tighter.

But it seemed Otto had overestimated their courage.

Despite all of Otto\'s planning, scheming for this moment, most Throskarts still couldn\'t help but be hesitant.

The only way to verify the Insurgent\'s words was to kill someone.

And no one wanted to make the first move.

When a single bad decision meant certain death.

And just as the Otto\'s posse was about to open their mouths to mock them again, one man stepped forward.

It was Greer, the \'leader\' of Otto\'s group.

His voice was calm.

"I don\'t think that\'s the case."

Otto\'s eyes narrowed.

If before there was some suspicion, now Otto was certain.

This man was definitely an enemy.

Greer continued,

"You\'re free to test it yourselves, but there was no game announcement. So..." he smirked,

"No proof."

"But…is testing the theory really worth dying for?"

Greer shot a sneer at Otto, his gaze provocative.

The desert quieted.

Otto pretended he hadn\'t seen.

His brain whirred as he considered and discarded solution after solution.

Fortunately, he was adaptable on his feet. Not all of his schemes could go according to plan.

The two sides continued to face off.

Otto\'s posse was anxious and also prepared to enter combat.

Otto heaved a sigh. What was the point of an ambush if they were going to let everyone prepare?

Soon, though, the stalemate was broken. The eyes of one Throskart hardened. It was an old man.

He didn\'t have much to lose.

He was already so thirsty, it wouldn\'t be surprising if he died before the day was out.

So he spoke his mind.

"We\'ll die either way."

The arrow he\'d nocked suddenly flew at a random man near the middle of the group.

Otto\'s pupils constricted.

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